Tajetas prepagadas

Playstation Network Card 70 PLN (Poland)

Tipo de envío: Código de activación
Plataforma: PS5, PS4, PS3, Vita / Sony Playstation
Región: Poland


1679 Р

Bono de compra:
190 puntos

Playstation Network es un servicio de juegos en línea unificado para consolas Sony Playstation. Explora una vasta red digital repleta no solo de lo mejor en juegos de consola, sino también de todas tus películas, música y televisión favoritas.

¡Con la tarjeta Playstation Network puedes llenar tu billetera PSN para comprar juegos, DLC, películas y música nuevos y emocionantes a través de Playstation Store para tu consola favorita!

La tarjeta Playstation Network de 70 PLN solo se puede canjear en una cuenta de Playstation Network registrada en Polonia y agregará 70 PLN (zloty polaco) a su billetera de PSN.

Activación — PSN

How to redeem your code via your PC:

  • Go to PlayStation Store
  • Log into your PlayStation account in the top right of the screen.
  • Click on your Avatar at the top of the screen. 
  • Select Redeem Codes from the drop-down menu. 
  • Carefully enter the code and select Redeem. 
  • The credit or content is now applied to your account.

How to redeem your digital code via PlayStation 5:

  • On the PlayStation5 Game Home Menu highlight and select the PlayStation Store hub with the cross button on your wireless controller.
  • Navigate up to the top menu Categories bar in the Store and select a "..." icon next to the shopping cart icon.
  • Highlight and select “Redeem Code” from the list of options.
  • Enter your code and press the cross button to continue.
  • Now you will see the content you are redeeming. Highlight the confirm option and the cross button.
  • A message will appear confirming that the code has been redeemed, press the button on "OK". 
  • The content should download automatically but if it does not, or if you would like to manually download the content, visit the game page In your Game Library from the Games Home Menu.

How to redeem your digital code via PlayStation 4:

  • On the PlayStation 4 Home screen highlight and select PlayStation Store with the cross button on your wireless controller.
  • From the list of store categories on the left of the screen, press the down button until you can highlight and select “Redeem Codes” with the cross button.
  • Press the cross button to enter your code, then press the R2 button and select Continue.
  • Now you will see a list of the digital content you are redeeming. Highlight the confirm option and press the cross button.
  • A message will appear confirming that the code has been redeemed, press the cross button on "OK".
  • The content should download automatically but if it does not, or if you would like to manually download the content, visit the game tile under your Library in the Home screen.



All is cool )

Quickly and efficiently. Not the first order, I'm happy with everything.

Fast, convenient and easily accessible payment! High speed of order processing! I like.


Everything is fast and clear

Didn't receive an activation code

Everything has arrived, thank you very much, thanks to you we can play Ps 4-5, all the best.

Fast clear cheap

Everything is great. Fast, reliable


Playstation Network es un servicio de juegos en línea unificado para consolas Sony Playstation. Explora una vasta red digital repleta no solo de lo mejor en juegos de consola, sino también de todas tus películas, música y televisión favoritas.

¡Con la tarjeta Playstation Network puedes llenar tu billetera PSN para comprar juegos, DLC, películas y música nuevos y emocionantes a través de Playstation Store para tu consola favorita!

La tarjeta Playstation Network de 70 PLN solo se puede canjear en una cuenta de Playstation Network registrada en Polonia y agregará 70 PLN (zloty polaco) a su billetera de PSN.

How to redeem your code via your PC:

  • Go to PlayStation Store
  • Log into your PlayStation account in the top right of the screen.
  • Click on your Avatar at the top of the screen. 
  • Select Redeem Codes from the drop-down menu. 
  • Carefully enter the code and select Redeem. 
  • The credit or content is now applied to your account.

How to redeem your digital code via PlayStation 5:

  • On the PlayStation5 Game Home Menu highlight and select the PlayStation Store hub with the cross button on your wireless controller.
  • Navigate up to the top menu Categories bar in the Store and select a "..." icon next to the shopping cart icon.
  • Highlight and select “Redeem Code” from the list of options.
  • Enter your code and press the cross button to continue.
  • Now you will see the content you are redeeming. Highlight the confirm option and the cross button.
  • A message will appear confirming that the code has been redeemed, press the button on "OK". 
  • The content should download automatically but if it does not, or if you would like to manually download the content, visit the game page In your Game Library from the Games Home Menu.

How to redeem your digital code via PlayStation 4:

  • On the PlayStation 4 Home screen highlight and select PlayStation Store with the cross button on your wireless controller.
  • From the list of store categories on the left of the screen, press the down button until you can highlight and select “Redeem Codes” with the cross button.
  • Press the cross button to enter your code, then press the R2 button and select Continue.
  • Now you will see a list of the digital content you are redeeming. Highlight the confirm option and press the cross button.
  • A message will appear confirming that the code has been redeemed, press the cross button on "OK".
  • The content should download automatically but if it does not, or if you would like to manually download the content, visit the game tile under your Library in the Home screen.


All is cool )

Quickly and efficiently. Not the first order, I'm happy with everything.

Fast, convenient and easily accessible payment! High speed of order processing! I like.


Everything is fast and clear

Didn't receive an activation code

Everything has arrived, thank you very much, thanks to you we can play Ps 4-5, all the best.

Fast clear cheap

Everything is great. Fast, reliable
