Prepaid cards

Eve Online: TimeCard (60 дней) + Бонус: Игровые предметы

Delivery: Activation code
Platform: PC / Other
Languages: Multi-language
Region: Region Free
Developer: CCP Games
Publisher: CCP Games

Out of stock


Purchase bonus:
350 Points

ТimeСard содержит специальный код, позволяющий оплатить  60 дней игрового времени онлайн игры Eve Online. Тайм карты заменяют собой кредитные карты.

Внимания - акция!
Код включает в себя следующие бонусы (активируются после ввода кода на сайте игры):

1) Корабль Aliastra Catalyst

Ideally suited for both skirmish warfare and fleet support, the Catalyst is touted as one of the best anti-frigate platforms out there. Faced with its top-of-the-line tracking equipment, not many can argue. Aliastra purchased a large fleet of Catalysts several years ago, to protect its inter-Empire shipping routes. Subsequent evaluations determined that the Catalyst was considerably over-gunned for many of its safer routes, so 30% of their hulls were sold off and replaced by cheaper frigates. Some of these ships have since been retro-fitted for capsuleer use, and their distinctive color scheme makes them something of a collector's item.

2) Cerebral Accelerator
Cerebral accelerators are military-grade implants that significantly increase a new pilot's skill development. This technology is usually available only to naval officers, but CONCORD has authorized the release of a small number to particularly promising freelance capsuleers.This implant primes the brain's neural pathways and hippocampus, making it much more receptive to intensive remapping. This allows new capsuleers to more rapidly absorb information of all kinds, and as a bonus also enhanced spatial processing abilities that are critical for weapons handling.The only drawback to this implant is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after a while; as such, it will cease to function for pilots who have been registered for more than 35 days.

3) Destroyers skillbook

Заказ через корзину обрабатывается в течение 24 часов.
Для моментальной доставки используйте кнопку ниже.

Вы можете получить этот товар сразу при оплате электронными валютами.
(Пожалуйста, оставляйте отзывы)
IgroShop, LLC является официальным дистрибьютером CCP Games

Системные требования:
Требуется наличие игрового аккаунта Eve Online

Activation - Eve Online

Eve Online game account is required.

Activate the key

IgroShop company is the official distributor for CCP Games.


In addition to the 2 months of the game, I got an excellent tech3 boat and a booster which I sold for 480 li.

Everything is instant and high quality as always.

ok fast




I bought a time code for Eve Online for 60 days, I came almost immediately, I have no complaints about the service, in the future I intend to buy goods here, which I advise others.

things are good

everything is honest


ТimeСard содержит специальный код, позволяющий оплатить  60 дней игрового времени онлайн игры Eve Online. Тайм карты заменяют собой кредитные карты.

Внимания - акция!
Код включает в себя следующие бонусы (активируются после ввода кода на сайте игры):

1) Корабль Aliastra Catalyst

Ideally suited for both skirmish warfare and fleet support, the Catalyst is touted as one of the best anti-frigate platforms out there. Faced with its top-of-the-line tracking equipment, not many can argue. Aliastra purchased a large fleet of Catalysts several years ago, to protect its inter-Empire shipping routes. Subsequent evaluations determined that the Catalyst was considerably over-gunned for many of its safer routes, so 30% of their hulls were sold off and replaced by cheaper frigates. Some of these ships have since been retro-fitted for capsuleer use, and their distinctive color scheme makes them something of a collector's item.

2) Cerebral Accelerator
Cerebral accelerators are military-grade implants that significantly increase a new pilot's skill development. This technology is usually available only to naval officers, but CONCORD has authorized the release of a small number to particularly promising freelance capsuleers.This implant primes the brain's neural pathways and hippocampus, making it much more receptive to intensive remapping. This allows new capsuleers to more rapidly absorb information of all kinds, and as a bonus also enhanced spatial processing abilities that are critical for weapons handling.The only drawback to this implant is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after a while; as such, it will cease to function for pilots who have been registered for more than 35 days.

3) Destroyers skillbook

Заказ через корзину обрабатывается в течение 24 часов.
Для моментальной доставки используйте кнопку ниже.

Вы можете получить этот товар сразу при оплате электронными валютами.
(Пожалуйста, оставляйте отзывы)
IgroShop, LLC является официальным дистрибьютером CCP Games

Системные требования:
Требуется наличие игрового аккаунта Eve Online

Eve Online game account is required.

Activate the key

IgroShop company is the official distributor for CCP Games.

In addition to the 2 months of the game, I got an excellent tech3 boat and a booster which I sold for 480 li.

Everything is instant and high quality as always.

ok fast




I bought a time code for Eve Online for 60 days, I came almost immediately, I have no complaints about the service, in the future I intend to buy goods here, which I advise others.

things are good

everything is honest
